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6/18/2024 - B-Side Tutorial Update!
Hey all, Shirley here. This is just a brief announcement regarding an update to the tech demo. As you can probably already see, the date on the downloadable fil...
5/27/2024 - Caffeine Withdrawal Update
Hey all, Sana/Shirley here. Remember when I talked about items? Well, there's a new twist to the energy drink item now... if you drink too many and then stop, i...
4/14/2024 - PyNori Twitter Handle
Hey all, Sana/Shirley here again regarding the PyNori Twitter account. I was finally able to change the handle, but it wouldn't let me set it to @pynori, so I s...
4/12/2024 - PyNori has a Twitter now
Hey all, Sana/Shirley here! No, I'm not calling it X. PyNori has a Twitter now! Trust me when I say I didn't want to do this (especially given how janky it's be...
4/3/2024 - Long "Py"-me no C!
(get it? the title is a coding language pun. I'm funny, I know.) Hey all, Sana/Shirley here! I know it's been ages since my last devlog, and I'm sorry. I've bee...
3/6/2024 - Looks like it's tweakin' time! Gottaaaaa tweak tweak tweak!
Hey all, Sana/Shirley here. I come bearing (slightly) bad news regarding the release of PyNori v1. PyNori began development with Python version 3.11.2. 3.12.2 i...
3/1/2024 - Seeking Playtesters for v1!
Hey all, Sana/Shirley here! Version 1 is almost ready for release! To prevent re-enacting the release of the tech demo, though, I'm asking for YOUR help. How ca...
2/25/2024 - Switching Members Demo
Hey all, Sana/Shirley here. Wow, the previous devlog was already 2 days ago. Time flies, doesn't it? This is it! The final feature demonstration before v1 comes...
Last post
Hello all, Shirley here. I'll be using this post to document errors you may or may not come across when trying to run th...
started by Shirley.XML Mar 06, 2024
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PyNori and Pinori are NOT the same! While they are both games built off the same concept (and developed by yours truly)...
started by Shirley.XML Jan 12, 2024
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i was here since it was on that one site I forgot what it was called and I think its cool too see how much it upgradeded
started by Roblox Jan 12, 2024
1 reply
it was that long
started by Yeit Oct 21, 2023
1 reply