Hey all, Shirley here with yet another bugfix update! This update fixes an issue with the title screen! Options should no longer bug out on Windows OR MacOS. Th...
Hi! Remember when I said there were NO more issues with the final boss? Well, unfortunately, I LIED! I was trying to "shorten" the code and it turns out I messe...
Hey all, Shirley here with a quick bugfix update! I found out I did something stupid when adding something new to the final boss (not going to spoil it) that ca...
Hey all, Shirley here once again! Sorry for flooding your notifications, heheh. I just wanted to let you know (in case you're not keeping track of the PyNori Tw...
Hey all, you know what time it is, it's time for another minor PyNori update! This update adds a little more interesting functionality to the overworld and batt...
Hey all, Shirley here with another PyNori bugfix update! This update finally allows tutorial.py and ToneReset.py to run properly on MacOS. Sorry it took me so l...
Hey all, Shirley here. It's come to my attention that a SINGULAR line of code was misplaced. This update fixes that so you don't have to. As an apology, you can...