2/9/2024 - Battle System Demo

Hey all, Sana/Shirley here.

Today I bring to you the battle system demo! I'm very excited to have gotten this far.

This is what the battle system looks like! Similarly to Undertale, there are different "flavour texts" that show when in the menu of a battle. Depending on what your plans are (you know what I mean...), the enemy's HP, and whether or not they're Satisfied (if an enemy is Satisfied and they need to be interacted with to be spared, you can spare said enemy), the flavour text will change.

This is what selecting 1 does. It basically compacts Fight, Act, and Mercy into one menu and even adds a Skip Turn option, so you can let the enemy damage you without you doing anything to it. That is, if you're weak enough.

This is the attack menu. Usually your attacks will remain the same for the entire game (so you'll only be able to Treble Punch or Kick), but there is ONE attack you can buy.

Funny story, I actually encountered a bug when an enemy killed me, so give me a second to see if I patched it.

Okay, sorry about that. 

You know how HP works, so this needs no introduction. But, attacks work.

Next up is Interaction! Unfortunately, the enemy I got this time around (Oh Deer) doesn't need to be interacted with to be spared, so I got this message instead. Don't worry, I'll demo that next. 3 through 5 do exactly what you think they do, so let me just encounter another enemy real quick.

This is what the interaction menu looks like! You get up to 3 options to interact with the enemy, each one upping the enemy's Satisfaction by a random amount. Let's try to cheer up this personified pessimistic tree branch.

This Pessimistick was feeling really under the weather and considering ending its life. With our kind words, however, we can persuade it not to! Let's continue interacting until its Satisfaction reaches 100%.

There we go! Now that we've satisfied Pessimistick, we can spare it!

By the way, on rare occasions, enemies' names change when you satisfy them. Check this out:

Since we cheered Pessimistick up, it's now Optimistick! How wholesome.

When an enemy is Satisfied, sparing will work instantly, and you get a special message:

You also receive money for winning battles! Yes, Sines is the currency. Also, yes, sine as in sine wave. I thought it would be clever since the attacks are music themed (come on, "Treble" Punch. smirk at least?).

Anyway, that's pretty much it for the battle system aside from the Game Over screen, but that's not important.

Next up: The Shop! The Shop is going to be the second to last demo for PyNori's mechanics! I'll show the Game Over screen at the end of that demo since that's not the (main) focus. Until then!

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