3/1/2025 - The PyNori Feature Vote!

Hey all, Shirley here once again! Sorry for flooding your notifications, heheh.

I just wanted to let you know (in case you're not keeping track of the PyNori Twitter or YouTube accounts) that the first PyNori Feature Vote is now live! If you'd like to help pick which features are the focus of the v1.5.0 update (and potentially add your own original content to it), please check out this StrawPoll! https://strawpoll.com/e2naXRXDzyB

Do note that just because a certain feature won doesn't mean it'll be the only thing included in the v1.5.0 update. If the update feels too empty, I will choose the next most voted option and add it to the update. With that said, I really hope "minigames" loses, because that's going to be hell to implement, LOL.

Also, if your original ideas make it into the game, I'll credit you! That's why the poll requires a name now. If you type an offensive name, you'll be credited as an anonymous player.

Anyway, that's all! I hope we get some good results by next Saturday!

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